GRUPEDSAC- Group To Promote Education and Sustainable Development, is dedicated to offering solutions for poverty in the Mexican countryside through training, skill development, ecosystem restoration, and motivating the organizational and management capacities of small farmer communities with the purpose of generating knowledge and allowing them to satisfy their basic needs of pure water, healthy food, appropriate housing, and sustainable energy.
In order to fulfill its mission, the organization has two training and demonstration centers on alternative technologies where the promotion of self-sufficiency and self-development are the main goals. The Center for Education and Rural Development (CEDER) in Huixquilucan, State of Mexico, and the Instituto Tonantzin Tlalli (ITT) in Ejutla, Oaxaca. Both centers were built using appropriate green technologies and Permaculture design principles. They offer guided visits, trainings, and workshops at both sites.
During a recent trip to Mexico, Judy and Charles came across this non-profit organization at the trade show and bought some unique handbags, coin purses and clutches all made from recycled wrappers. Come have a look at the classy, intricately woven accessories made from discarded, colorful and shiny candy wrappers. Talk about sustainable!
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