We are carrying merchandise from SPIRAL Foundation again! This is a wonderful organization working with global artisans. We invite you to join us in supporting their work. SPIRAL Foundation is a humanitarian non-profit that works Spinning Potential Into Resource and Love...
All net proceeds from the handicraft sales are returned to Vietnam and Nepal to fund primary health care, medical and educational projects, giving to those involved in the production process a sense of pride that comes by helping and sustaining many others, in even greater need than themselves. Members of all The Spiral Foundation Workshops have an active role in the allocation and monitoring of all funds generated by proceeds from the sales of The SPIRAL Foundation Gift Line.
Come on down to the aesthetyX store and shop with your heart as you shop to give back! We have a gorgeous SPIRAL bowl made from recycled papers that has been crafted into a beautiful piece of art.
ORIGINAL!!0857.7940.5211, Baju Branded Murah Wanita
Baju Branded Termurah,Grosir Baju Branded Sisa Ekspor, Grosir Baju Branded
Jakarta, Grosir Baju Branded Murah Di Bandung, Grosir Baju Olahraga
Branded, Gro...
7 years ago