Spring is here so it's a perfect time to celebrate Mother Earth on April 22nd - Earth Day!
We at Aesthetyx are taking the 3R's mantra 'Reduce - Reuse - Recycle' to heart
by supporting gloabal artisans who take the 3R's to a whole new level. By supporting these artisans, you support their efforts toward independence while protecting the environment and giving or receiving a unique gift!
Come see some of our green and sustainable products by these talented artisans next time you're in the store:
* Acholi Beads made of discarded magazines by displaced women from the Acholi tribe of Northern Uganda.
* Barro Sin Plomo (clay without lead) lead-free pottery hand-crafted by artisans in Central Mexico
* Kenyan Soapstones carved and painted by hand by artisans from Kenya
SAVE THE DATE - Saturday, May 9th
for our First Aesthetyx World Fair Trade Day Celebration
featuring Anna O'Leary and Barro Sin Plomo
ORIGINAL!!0857.7940.5211, Baju Branded Murah Wanita
Baju Branded Termurah,Grosir Baju Branded Sisa Ekspor, Grosir Baju Branded
Jakarta, Grosir Baju Branded Murah Di Bandung, Grosir Baju Olahraga
Branded, Gro...
7 years ago
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